

Sample projects and assignments in dynamic complex networks

View the Project on GitHub m-zakeri/iust_complex_network


This repository contains my assignments and projects submitted as a requirement of IUST Dynamic Complex Network course.

Hafez (حافظ) Wordnet

We extracted a word network from Hafez poems. A naive version of this network is presented here. Each word is connected to the next word in a same poetry. A subgraph cosist of first 100 nodes is shown in below figure.


The above network is based on the preamble poetry in Divan-e-Hafez:


Degree Distrubution


Hafez Poems (Subgraph with 1000 Nodes)


Network Analysis for Hafez Wordnet

To be complete . . .

Assignment Details

Assignment 3

1) Collect some networks 2) Compute some metrics of these networks 3) Analysis and discuss the results

Assignment 4

Consider the three network datasets of assignment #3

1) Fit E-R, W-S, B-A, and X models to these networks 2) Select (find) X as the best fitting model 3) Generate artificial graphs similar to that networks * Specify the suitable generative parameters 4) Compute some macro-level metrics * Degree distribution, avg clustering coefficient, … 5) Compare the features of the real and artificial graph counterparts 6) Analyze the results (comparison)

Assignment 5

Consider the three network datasets of previous assignments 1) Find communities in each network 2) Report “modularity” of the communities.

Assignment 6

Simulate two epidemic models on two network models 1) Four simulation scenarios * E.g., SIRS epidemic model on BA network model

The importance of epidemy models is obvious in cases such as COVID-19 pandemic. Here we are going to perform some epidemics simulation on different graph models and depicting the result.

SIR on Barabasi-Albert graph


SIS on Barabasi-Albert graph



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